Casa Frederick Catherwood |
La Tienda/The Shop |
Mr. Catherwood's litographs/Las litografias del Sr. Catherwood |
Our Hours: Monday - Saturday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Nuestro horario: Lunes - Sabado, 10 a 14 horas y 178a 21 horas
Our telephone numbers / Nuestros numeros telefonicos: (999) 154-55-65 (Mexico)
(917) 880-8587 (USA and Canada)
Address/Direccion: Calle 59 #572 & Calle 72, Santiago, Colonia Centro
Mr. Catherwood in Merida / El Sr. Catherwood en Merida |
E-mail: info@casa-catherwood.com |
| In 1844, Frederick Catherwood published "Views of Ancient Monuments in Central America, Chiapas & Yucatan" in London and New York. Three hundred copies were printed for sale, and in the more than 160 years since then, these images have continued to astonish and delight. For the first time in Mexico, a collection of these 25 magnificent lithographs are on view. Displayed in a restored Belle Epoque manse, the exhibition is faithful to the sensibilities of the mid-19th century aesthetics and sense of proportions and design.
En 1844, Frederick Catherwood publico "Vistas de monumentos antiguos en Centroamerica, Chiapas y Yucatan" en Londres y Nueva York. Ahora, por primera vez, contamos con una exhibicion permanente de las litografias del Sr. Catherwood para que el publico conozca y disfrute de nuestra herencia cultural. Le invitamos a que venga a conocer las litografias que han conmovido el mundo entero desde ese entonces.
Casa Catherwood profile in United Airlines |
| HEMISPHERES, the in-flight magazine of United Airlines, has a feature story on us! Click on United's logo to the left, and read what United Airlines has to say about us!
HEMISPHERES, la revista oficial de la linea aerea estadounidense United Airlines, ha publicado un articulo sobre nosotros. Suplicamos oprima el logo de United a la izquierda para que lo lea!
Fair Trade Shop / Comercio Justo |
Cafe |
Bistro |
Set in the unexplored jungles of Central America in the mid-1800s, this true-life adventure story will enthrall the armchair archaeologist.
Recounted here for the first time is the adventurous life of Frederick Catherwood, the 19th-century English artist who discovered the lost Mayan cities in the jungles of Central America and the Yucatan plateau. In 1839 Catherwood and his American companion, John Lloyd Stephens, were the first Westerners to view the immense terraces, fabulous temples, and elaborate palaces that had been inexplicably abandoned ten centuries earlier. Superbly illustrated by Catherwood, Stephens' lively travel diaries recounting their extraordinary archaeological discoveries were published in 1841 and 1843.
Using these journals and his own extensive research, author Fabio Bourbon has pieced together Catherwood's fascinating biography, which until now has been shrouded in mystery. Illustrating this handsome large-format book are more than 200 engravings made from Catherwood's original drawings. Also reproduced is Catherwood's Views of Ancient Monuments in Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan rare color portfolio considered to be his best work. Catherwood's other adventures are also described his first trips to Europe and Egypt, his later expeditions to Central America, and finally his experiences in California. This intriguing book about an intrepid adventurer/artist will appeal to anyone interested in exploration, architecture, and archaeology.
OFFICIAL BOOK PUBLISHED BY ABBEVILLE PRESS, NEW YORK, now out-of-print, exclusively ours. Available for $75.00 USD. Shipping anywhere in Mexico and the U.S. is included.
Permanent Exhibit / Exhibicion Permanente |
Email us/Mandenos un correo |
Located in the heart of Merida's historic center, Casa Frederick Catherwood is dedicated to the visual arts of the Yucatan peninsula, the land of the Mayab.
In addition to housing a permanent exhibition of Frederick Catherwood's lithographs in the upstairs galleries, Casa Frederick Catherwood also has a terrace cafe, gift and book shop, and cultural exhibitions that are open to the public and free of charge.
We are located on Calle 59 #572, between Calles 72 and 74, just a few steps west of the Church of Santiago, right on 59th Street. Our email is info@casa-catherwood.com
Cuando visite Mérida, le invitamos a conocer las litografías magníficas de Frederick Catherwood nos ha dejado como patrimonio cultural de la humanidad. Ubicados en el corazón del centro histórico, estamos en la Calle 59, No. 572 x Calle 72, a unos pasos de la Iglesia de Santiago en el Centro Histórico de la ciudad. Nuestro correo electronico es info@casa-catherwood.com
E-mail: info@casa-catherwood.com Correo Electronico: info@casa-catherwood.com
Copyright 2016 Casa Frederick Catherwood